Browse Topics


Please Note:  this feature is not available in most ZPORTAL systems.



When you sign in, the top level of the taxonomy will be displayed. If you are not logged in, click the Browse Topics button to see the top level of the taxonomy.


Each top-level concept is displayed, with options for searching (where available). Below each top-level term are up to three narrower concepts to illustrate the scope of the topic. If more than 3 narrower concepts exist, an ellipsis (…) is displayed after the third term. Narrower concepts can be clicked to "drill down" into the taxonomy, but cannot be searched from this display.


Search it for Me

Clicking on will execute all of the saved-searches associated with this taxonomic class. If a taxonomic class does not have any saved searches associated with it, the  icon will not be displayed.

Let me Search

Clicking on  will display a search box for you to enter terms, which will be searched against the set of collections associated with this class. If a taxonomic class does not have a search profile (set of collections) associated with it, the  icon will not be displayed.  

Can't find the topic you need?  

Type a word or phrase related to the topic into the Search for a topic: box on any page of the taxonomy. ZPORTAL will display a list of taxonomic classes that contain the word(s) you entered.